International Development Services
SME / Enterprise development
- Private sector development policies, strategies and action plans
- Small business / SME development
- Provision of business development services
- Development of competitiveness and innovation
- Development of a culture of entrepreneurship
- Project/programme design (PCM)
- Monitoring and evaluation of programme and project impact
- Institution and capacity-building (Ministries, SME Agencies, business centres, business incubators, business associations, etc.)
Social inclusion and regeneration
- Preparation of integrated, socially inclusive strategies, programmes, action plans and projects
- Integrating ethnic minority communities and other socially excluded groups
- Preparation of anti-poverty studies
- Preparation of informal/grey economy studies and policies
- Regenerating deprived, inner city / rural areas (area based development
- Regenerating social housing estates
Local economic development
- Preparing strategies, action plans, programmes and projects on local economic development (led)
- Establishing public-private partnerships (PPP) and dialogue (PPD)
- Institutional and capacity building (e.g. Municipalities, counties, regions, etc.)
- Undertaking baseline and statistical analyses
- Bidding for competitive funds
- Monitoring and evaluation of programme and project impact
Regional development
- Preparing regional development policies, strategies, programmes, action plans and projects
- Developing regional partnerships
- Bidding for EC and other funds
- Capacity / institution building
- Monitoring and evaluation of programme and project impact
Foreign direct investment
- Preparing FDI strategies and programmes
- Institution/capacity building for investment promotion agencies
- Analysis of investment incentives, barriers to investment
- Analyses of FDI trends and issues
- Identification of potential B2B business partners
Better regulation and consultation
- Regulatory reform
- Regulatory Impact assessment (RIA)
- SME Test
- Business simplification
- Public Private Dialogue (PPD) / ePPD
- Consultation / eConsultation