Our Organization
Service worldwide
Dr Ricardo Pinto is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) specialisng in various aspects of international economic development.
He has advised clients in over 50 countries, including in the European Union (EU), Central and Eastern Europe, Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership, Africa, etc.
Dr Pinto offers thirty years´ of experience in their various fields of international development in transition economies.
His clients include national, regional and local governments; international development organisations, international financial institutions, the private sector, non-governmental / civil society organisations, etc.
Our Capability Statement can be requested using our contact details.
Our Vision
Dr Ricardo Pinto is a consultant dedicated to the broad theme of private sector development, both in transition economies and mature economies.
The vision is to advise his clients and their beneficiaries to achieve higher levels of prosperity and social cohesion.
As a professional economic development consultant, he is committed to help his clients excel in their core business.
Dr Pinto seeks to combine his extensive country and sectoral experience with advice focusing on his clients’ needs and priorities, in the delivery of appropriate solutions.
His approach is to customise his consultancy services to reflect his clients’ priorities and to deliver value adding services that generate sustainable, inclusive international development.

International Development Consultant
Dr. Pinto gained his PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
He has over 30 years’ worth of consultancy experience based on assignments in 50 countries in Central, Eastern and South East Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, Africa and Asia.
He has undertaken consultancy assignments for EC, OECD, UNDP, EBRD, ILO, ADB, World Bank, USAID, DFID, Danida, GIZ, etc.
His work involves cooperation with government institutions and business support organisations charged with stimulating private sector development (i.e. economic development, SME development, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, innovation, regulatory reform, regulatory impact assessment, business environment, regional development, local economic development, etc.).
He has extensive experience of creating strategies and action plans on the above themes. Dr. Pinto is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and a regular advisor to international organisations such as OECD and UNDP.
Email: r.pinto(at)rpinto.biz
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