In addition to capacity building and technical assistance leading to the production of reports, Dr Ricardo Pinto contributes to policy debates and the development of new and innovative methods.
Dr Ricardo Pinto has organised and managed the content of numerous conferences, seminars and workshops.
Many of the outputs of our assignments are in the public domain and have been disseminated widely in the media.
A subset of those outputs can be downloaded.

- Supporting MSMEs and Entrepreneurs During the Covid-19 Crisis (2020)
- Unterstützung von KKMU während der COVID-19-Krise (2020)
- Part 2: Benchmarking Ethiopian MSME Policies and Institutions (2020)
- Part 1: Assessment of Ethiopian MSME Policies and Institutions (2019)
- Ukraine SME Action Plan (2018)
- Business Diagnostic Tools for use in targeted Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector and System DRAFT (2018)
- SME Development Policy in Ukraine at Regional and Local Level (2018)
- Industrial Strategy with focus on the Manufacturing Sector & Action Plan, Macedonia (2018)
- Macedonian Industrial Strategy - processing industry (2018)
- Industrial strategy of the Republic of Macedonia 2018-2027 with Action Plan (2018)
- Inclusive Business Creation: Good Practic e Compendium (2016)
- Review of the Industrial Extension Services (IES) System in the FDR of Ethiopia (2016)
- Study on existing business linkages between SMEs from the European Union and the Western Balkans: A focus on FDI in manufacturing sectors (2016)
- Competitiveness Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020, FYR Macedonia (2015)
- Entrepreneurship and SME Financing in Abu Dhabi (Chapter 5) in Boosting the Entrepreneurial and SME Ecosystem of Abu Dhabi, OECD/LEED, Paris (2015)
- Entrepreneurship and SME Workforce Skills (Chapter 2) and New Enterprise Creation (Chapter 3) in Boosting Local Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Creation in Lombardy Region, Italy, OECD (2012)
- Innovation Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia for 2012-2020 (2012)
- Cottage, Small & Medium Industry Development Strategy & Action Plan, MInistry of Economic Affairs, Bhutan (2012)
- Cottage, Small and Medium Industry Policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan (2012)
- National and Regional Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Policy Linkage in Serbia (2010)
- The SME and crafts sector in Croatia: Key results of a large scale sample survey (2009)
- The Macedonian Competitiveness and Innovation Programme 2007-2013, Ministry of Economy, Macedonia (2007)
- Fostering a Culture of Entrepreneurship: A Project Proposal (2007)
- Small Enterprise Development in Macedonia: An Overview, Ministry of Economy, Macedonia (2007)
- Proceedings Report: Tools to Facilitate Enterprise Development through Start-up Support, Stability Pact (2006)
- Albania Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment, OECD (2005)
- Overview of Enterprise Related Activities in Kosovo (2005)
- The SME sector in the CARDS countries: A Panorama at Country and Regional Level (2004)
- Regional Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment and Benchmarking: South East Europe, OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Albania, OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Macedonia OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Serbia OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Montenegro OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Moldova OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Bulgaria OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Romania OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Croatia, OECD (2003)
- Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment: Bosnia & Herzegovina, OECD (2003)
- Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development Romania: Policy Review, OECD (2002)
- Special Focus on Transition Economies: Romania, Chapter 4 in SME Outlook, OECD (2002)
- Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in the FYR Macedonia, OECD (2001)
- Business Friendly Administration and Training Package for Municipalities (2022)
- Armenia SME Strategy Evaluation Report & Recommendations (2018)
- SME Development Policy in Ukraine at Regional and Local Level (2018)
- Strategy for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development in Ukraine until 2020 (2017)
- Developing Proposals to Streamline Republic of Moldova’s Policy Documents Structure, strategic planning, Moldova (2017)
- Review of the Industrial Extension Services (IES) System in the FDR of Ethiopia (2016)
- Analysis and recommendations for Strengthening the Business Support Infrastructure (BSI) in Moldova (2013)
- Monitoring & Evaluation mechanisms related to the SME Development Strategy in Moldova 2012-2020 (2012)
- Competitiveness and Regional Development Policies in the Western Balkans (2011)
- The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Review of the National Innovation System (2011)
- Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development in the Andalusia Region of Spain, OECD (2010)
- The National Innovation System and its relation to small enterprises: The case of the Republic of Macedonia (2010)
- SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Local Development in the Marche Region, Italy (2010)
- Challenges for Public Policy in Promoting Entrepreneurship in South Eastern Europe (2006)
- Business Development Services: How to Guide, UNDP (2004)
- Review of mechanisms for SME / regulatory public private dialogue (PPD) in Ukraine (2024)
- Public Private Dialogue (PPD) Framework For Ethiopia Tamirt Movement (2023)
- Ethiopian Tamrit Movement Guidelines (for PPD) (2022)
- Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Manual, BIZimpact (2014)
- Consultation Arrangements for Economic Impact Assessment for SMEs, BIZimpact II (2014)
- Review of Public Private Dialogue and Recommendations, BIZimpact II (2013)
- The Shadow Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic: Trends, Estimates and Policy Options, UNDP (2007)
- The Informal Economy in Albania – Analysis and Policy Recommendations, OECD (2004)
(with others) Uzbekistan Poverty Reduction Strategy 2021-30, Chapter on Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Inclusive Growth (2021)
- Rural Businesses in Croatia and EU Accession: Lagging or Leading?; Development and Transition (2008)
- BIZimpact II, Pohl Consulting
- BIZimpact II, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts (MINPO)
- Children of Armenia Fund
- OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship SMEs and Local Development 2011
- OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship SMEs and Local Development 2010
- OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs
- Stability Pact
- UNDP Moldova
- UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre and Armenia Country Office