Previous projects
Developing Terms of Reference for Green Business Development Services, GAIN Project, GIZ Jordan
May 2021 – June 2021
Pinto Consulting
Project Description
The Green Action in Enterprises (GAIN) project wanted to tender out part of its activities in the form of an 18 month contract for the delivery of Green Business Development Services (BDS) services. Ricardo was contracted to provide strategic advice to the project team and develop the ToR customised to the needs of local BDS providers and the stage of development of medium and large enterprises (1.8% of all enterprises and 64% of total jobs) in the food processing, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, textiles and mining sectors. Ricardo created a new emphasis for ProEcon focusing on the following work packages:
- 1: Study on Green BDS Supply;
- 2: Study on Green BDS Demand;
- 3: Strengthening the Green BDS Ecosystem;
- 4: Supporting 20 Companies with Customised Packages of Green BDS;
- 5: Green Awareness Raising.
The GAIN project team accepted and implemented customised package of Green BDS services, contributing to the green transition in Jordan.
Services Provided
- Short Term Expertise
- Project design
- Terms of Reference (ToR)
- Green Business Development Services (BDS) expertise