Previous projects  

Preparation and Delivery of Certified Management Consultant (CMC) Training Modules

Preparation and Delivery of Certified Management Consultant (CMC) Training Modules






June 2009 – July 2009


Pinto Consulting

Project Description

The objective was to prepare and deliver 2 sets of training modules to 50 consultants. The modules involved the flowing elements:

  • Module 1: Introduction to the Management Consultancy (MC) profession.
  • Module 2: The Management Consultancy process. Process Consultancy.
  • Module 3: Strategic Management. General Strategic Business Analysis.
  • Module 4: Information gathering for work with a Client.
  • Module 5: Basics of Financial Management and Accounting. Cost/Benefit Analysis.
  • Module 6: Problem Solving in Management Consultancy.
  • Module 7: Change management. Establishing Strategies and Action Plans.
  • Module 8: Risk management.
  • Module 9: Project management.
  • Module 10: Managing the Management Consultancy business.
  • Module 11: Communication with Clients. Marketing of MC services.
  • Module 12: Management Consultancy and SMEs.

Services Provided

  • Selection of CMC qualifies consultants.
  • Preparation of the detailed MC training programme.
  • Preparation of 12 half day training modules.
  • Delivery of training modules.
  • Evaluation of training modules.