Previous projects  

Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)

Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)






August 2010 – August 2010


Pinto Consulting

Project Description

Following the floods in July 2010, the UN commissioned Dr Ricardo Pinto to lead the Livelihoods and Small Trading team in undertaking: a baseline analysis of the communities affected by the flood cause by a bust dam, a damage and loss assessment (DALA methodology), an assessment of the consequences for the affected communities and a set of disaster recovery measures for the short term (6 months) and the medium term (7-24 months). The UN/Government team led by Dr Ricardo Pinto also prepared an Impact on Livelihoods and Incomes assessment, as well as a concept note for future UNDP interventions in the affected area.

Services Provided

  • Participation as Team Leader of project.
  • Discussions and information collection in Chisinau and flood affected region.
  • Stakeholder meetings.
  • Preparation of damage and losses report, including recommendations for raising funds and implementing a reconstruction and development programme.
  • PC managed all aspects of the analysis and report writing