Previous projects
FORBIZ II - Creating a Better Business Environment in Ukraine, EC
EU Delegation Ukraine,EC
July 2019 – May 2021
Project Description
Following a very positive independent evaluation, the FORBIZ I project has been extended by 22 months (see also FORBIZ I below). Ricardo led the SME team and component, with a focus on:
- Implementation of the SME Development Strategy and Action Plan (2018-2020);
- Preparation of the framework/process for new SME Development Strategy and Action Plan (2020-2027) with a COVID-19 focus;
- Public Private Dialogue (PPD), donor coordination and inter-ministerial and inter-agency coordination;
- Sustainable development of the SME Development Office (SMEDO) established in late 2018;
- Regional and local SME development strategies and their implementation (Luhansk / Donetsk regions);
- Self-Regulation law and methods for voluntarily raising business standards (e.g. codes of conduct, complaints, procedures, etc.).
- Support to SMEs to access EU programmes (COSME/EEN/Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Horizon Europe, etc.
Ricardo also supervised and coordinated the following activities:
- Development of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Consortium Model for Ukraine and draft application to EASME;
- Development of a model and analysis on the impact of COSME support on Ukrainian SMEs;
- Evaluations of the SME Strategy and SME Development Office, leading to the creation of the Entrepreneurship & Export Promotion Office;
- Implementation of SME support to regional and local authorities, including diversifying mono-industrial economies in South-eastern Ukraine;
- Development of SME support programmes to enhance the SME sector, including donor funding / project management cycle management;
- Development of Self-Regulation Organisation Law and Business Standards development for business associations / support organisations
Services Provided
- Led SME Team
- Insititution building of the SME Developmen Office
- Support to SMEs to access EU programmes (COSME/EEN/Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Horizon Europe, etc.)
- Public Private Dialogue (PPD)
- Conor coordination and inter-ministerial and inter-agency coordination
- Development of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Consortium
- Development of Self-Regulation Organisation Law and Business Standards, etc.