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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Support to dialogues, political and economic research and studies of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Support to dialogues, political and economic research and studies of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership


European Commission


Mediterranean Region


January 2018 – October 2018


Pinto Consulting GmbH

Project Description

(EuropeAid FWC Lot 10 2017/392173)

The mid-term evaluation mission analyses the project according to the five OECD-DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. In addition, the evaluation will assess two specific EU evaluation criteria:

  • The EU added value of the programme, both regarding its design and implementation;
  • The coherence with the EU strategy and other donor activities


The general objective of the action is to reinforce dialogue, political and economic research and studies in priority themes of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and to ensure the dissemination of studies and research to civil society and decision-makers that are responsible for political and economic policies.


The specific objectives of the programme are:

  • to support political research and studies having as nexus good governance, security, inclusive development and political stability; 
  • to increase the capacity of political research institutions and think-tanks in analysing trends and challenges in the region;
  • to promote dialogue on trade and economic issues among relevant stakeholders, in particular through the organisation of conferences, studies and research;
  • to increase research capacity and expand the links among economic research institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region to measure the progress undertaken by the different countries in the region in relation to economic transition and reforms, the degree of liberalisation of its economy, the inclusive character of its growth, openness to trade and investment, regional cooperation South-South and South-East as well as in the framework of the EU Neighbourhood policy;
  • to intensify economic research on priority policy themes under Euro-Mediterranean Partnership such as the creation of sustainable and inclusive growth;
  • to improve knowledge regarding the economic and social impact of regional cooperation under the Union for the Mediterranean, the association agreements with the EU and the Neighbourhood policy;
  • to provide an in-depth analysis of major obstacles to regional economic integration and carry out relevant sectoral studies with a view to strengthen the effectiveness of the support to deeper regional integration;
  • to disseminate the results of studies and research to target groups using the most appropriate tools and formats (web-site, news-letters, etc);
  • to provide policy briefs and recommendations on key issues for the attention of policy makers and socio-economic agents in the region.


Services Provided

  • Capacity development: links and partnerships of political research institutions and think-tanks in the region to help policy-makers to understand and address the challenges of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership; 
  • Strengthening research capacity
  • Dissemination of results of research and studies, and presentations in public workshops and conferences;
  • Raising awareness of policy makers through recommendations concerning key economic and governance reform issues.