Dr Ricardo Pinto has undertaken numerous projects for clients such as EC, GIZ, OECD, UNDP, World Bank, EBRD, World Bank, DANIDA, etc, etc.
Below is a subset of the projects implemented.
Rural Development in Armenia
SME Reform Index in Serbia and the Banat and Zlatibor regions
FDI Fact Finding and Cross Referencing Mission
Entrepreneurship and start-ups: analysis and recommendations for the Marche Region
Improving Information / Impact Assessment for the Croatian Business Community
Preparation and Delivery of Certified Management Consultant (CMC) Training Modules
Organisation of Study Tour on Industrial / Free Zones in Croatia
Evaluation of the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) Model Cluster Programme
National Programme for Stimulating Investment
SME development – Government and Private Sector Development
Project Evaluation and Project Design
Policy Responses to Harness the Informal Economy