Dr Ricardo Pinto has undertaken numerous projects for clients such as EC, GIZ, OECD, UNDP, World Bank, EBRD, World Bank, DANIDA, etc, etc.
Below is a subset of the projects implemented.
Technical Support for Assessment of Grant Applications (Concept Notes and Full Applications) under the IPA 2016 Grant Facility Call for Proposals
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Support to dialogues, political and economic research and studies of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Revision of the Industrial policy 2009-2020
Identifying Action to Improve Access to Finance for SMEs and Private Sector Development in Libya (EuropeAid FWC Lot 10 2017/393896)
Developing of the Agricultural Insurance System in Palestine ‘Pre Development Phase’
Evaluation finale du Programme d'Aide au Commerce PIN 10eme FED
Etude sur le developpement d’activites tertiaires delocalisees a Wallis-et-Futuna
Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP): TVET System Review, Ethiopia
Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP): TVET System Review, Ethiopia 2017
EU4Business: From Policies to Action in the Eastern Partnership (EC EU4Business initiative)
Mid-term Evaluation Research, Development and Innovation Programme II (RDI-II) (EuropeAid FWC Lot 10 2016/381416/2)
Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Programme in Egypt